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Ai Sales & Support Assistant Bots

Never miss a lead or new customer again! Our bots can answer, support, provide serivce enquiry and even set sales appointments.

Ai Sales & Support Assistants

We understand that time is valuable and customer satisfaction is paramount. That's why we've developed cutting-edge AI chatbots designed to transform the way you connect with your clients. Our intelligent bots are not just a futuristic concept—they're here to book appointments, answer inquiries, and guide customers seamlessly into sales meetings.It's like having your very own 24/7 Ai Sales Assistant.

Why use Ai Sales & Support Assistant Bots?

24/7 Availability

Our chatbots are tireless workers, ready to engage with your customers around the clock. Whether it's late at night or early in the morning, they ensure your business is always responsive.

Starting at $249 AUD a month.

Sign up and we'll send all the required materials and what's required to get it all DONE FOR YOU!.

It's cheaper than hiring a full time receptionist or customer service handler.

  1. We can have it up and running within 7-10 working days.

  2. It can appear on your Website & Socials. WhatsApp (coming soon).

  3. Don't delay. The future is now and customers are ready to buy your service or product.

firefly-ai-bot-in-front-of-laptop-with-lots-of-arms-handling-lots-of-phone-calls-and-texting-at-th BEAM Automation - Ai Sales Chat Bots

Buy now and get your Ai sales, service and support assistant today!

Ai Sales Assistant only

Web/Social bot = $249 a month

Plus $750 Setup Fee
with 1000 chat message credits

(1 response = 5 credits)

Ai Chat Sync with own CRM

GTP 4 bot that syncs to own CRM = $299 a month

Like HubSpot, Zoho, GHL, etc + $750 Setup Fee with 1000 chat message credits + $150 setup fee.

(1 response = 5 credits)

The Power of Chatbots in Customer Service

Chatbots are revolutionising customer service by providing a personal touch without the need for a human on the other side of the screen. They're capable of understanding and responding to a variety of customer needs, making them an indispensable tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement.
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Effortless Inquiry Handling and Sales Meeting Scheduling

Our AI chatbots are programmed to handle inquiries efficiently, answering common questions and providing helpful information. When it comes to booking sales meetings, they can check calendars, set appointments, and send reminders, all without human intervention.

Join the AI Revolution

Embrace the future of customer interaction with Ai. Our intelligent chatbots are more than just a convenience—they're a game-changer for businesses looking to stay ahead in a competitive market. Ready to elevate your customer service and streamline your sales process? Contact us today to learn more about how Ai can benefit your business!

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Like to know more about Automation & Ai?

Click the Button to book a time with our team to discuss your Automation and Ai needs.